在这部超自然事件簿恐怖片中,在英国赫特福德郡的克洛普山上,有一座废弃已久的圣玛丽教堂。当初教堂废弃后曾经用来停放尸体,后来该建筑逐渐残破,渐渐与与幽灵鬼怪和邪教巫术扯上了关系,成为超自然事件的发源地之一。曾有人在当地拍下了诡异的画面,更有人目击了被黑弥撒所残害之人的头骨,因此闹鬼的传言愈演愈烈。这一天,凯文(Kevin Gates 饰)、麦克(Michael Bartlett 饰)、克雷格、克瑞斯娜(Criselda Cabitac 饰)等人组成的摄制组来到了克洛普山,他们希望以这座教堂拍摄一部探访超自然现象的纪录片。
In March 1963, a black mass was held at a ruined church in Clophill, Bedfordshire by a coven of dark witches. Tombs were looted, animals sacrificed and human bones arranged during a macabre ceremony. Further defilements continued at Clophill in the following years, with cattle in nearby fields found mutilated, evidence of necromancy discovered and perpetual sightings of paranormal activity witnessed at the isolated ruin. 50 years on from the original incident, the Clophill legend remains etched on the psyches of the local populace. In 2010, a documentary team was assembled to investigate the legend of the Clophill witches and to try and uncover the truth behind the paranormal events. What followed during that long weekend at Clophill was a terrifying journey into the unknown.
文件名 | 格式 | 语种 | 地址 |
超自然事件簿The Paranormal Diaries Clophill 2013 DVDRip x264-RedBlade.ra. | SRT | 简体中文字 |