
编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2016-05-03 / 发布时间:2016-05-03


【主演】: 森功至/佐佐木功/杉山佳寿子/盐屋翼/兼本新吾/大平透/吉泽久士/青野武/玄田哲章/大宫悌二/寺岛干夫/田中信夫/藤本让/喜多道枝/宫内幸平/栗叶子/安原义人/田中康郎/立壁和也/加藤治/芹泽洋/及川广夫/惠比寿真沙子/上田敏也/饭塚昭三/野泽雅子/市川治/千叶耕市/西川几雄/城山坚/槐柳二/原田一夫/吉田理保子/水岛晋/辻村真人/国坂伸/泽田敏子/塚濑纪子/铃木泰明/坂井志满/森宏子/渡部猛/泽井正延/矢田稔/松岛美野里/杉田俊也/泷口顺平/西山莲/大木民夫/神山卓三/神谷明/塚田惠美子/若本规夫/野泽那智/加茂嘉久/纳谷六朗/松冈武司/岛俊介/石丸博也/田中亮一/石森达幸/仁内建之/村松康雄/泽律雄/有本钦隆/西崎昌二/谷育子/峰惠研/石井敏郎/麻生美代子/芦川洋/川野耕司/北村弘一/仲木隆司/白川澄子/相模太郎/富山敬/中村武巳/池田一臣/小林清志/雨森雅司/户部光代/平林尚三/冈本茉莉/川久保洁/田口昂/木原正二郎/肥土尚弘/芹川洋/佐久间爱/千叶顺二/田中秀幸/岛木棉子/山下启介/此岛爱子/野本礼三/木下秀雄
【标签】: 动作/科幻/动画
【又名】:科学小飞侠 / 神勇飞鹰队
【评分】:豆瓣:7.9 ,IMDB:8.0
【IMDb链接】: tt0068792
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net



In the year 2001, Earth is under attack by a terrorist organization named Galactor, which is waging a destructive campaign of conquest and terror using super-high technology in the form of bizarre and supremely powerful war machines and biological weapons. The United Nations's forces are helpless to stop this menace, but Professor Nambu of the International Science Organization has a counterforce of his own: the Science Ninja Team, a team of super-agile youngsters who operate with a bird theme and have fighting skills that are a match for any foe, regardless of numbers or firepower. The team is made up of Ken (Eagle), aka Gatchaman, their noble leader with an incomplete past; his hotheaded second-in-command Jô (Condor), their level-headed electronics and demolitions expert; Jun (Swan), their young and impulsive reconnaissance specialist; Jinpei (Swallow), Jun's adopted brother and eighth-generation decedent of the Iga ninja; and their jovial and rotund pilot, Ryû (Owl) are determined to frustrate Galactor at every turn. They have advanced personal vehicles that are carried inside their main vehicle, the God Phoenix, an advanced, supersonic, and heavily armed aircraft that can go into any environment and can temporarily transform into a destructive bird of fire to escape danger. However, the fight won't be any easier because Galactor's leaders, who are the mysterious entity known only as Sôsai X, and his immediate human subordinate, Berugu Katse, have even darker secrets that our heroes can only suspect.


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