1974[嘉莉的战争]Carrie's War[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2022-12-05 / 发布时间:2022-12-05


【主演】: Juliet Waley/Andrew Tinney/Tim Coward
【标签】: 剧情
【上映时间】: 1974-01-28(英国)
【原名】:Carrie's War
【评分】:豆瓣:0 ,IMDB:8.4
【IMDb链接】: tt0278854
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net



Carrie and Nick Willow have been sent to the countryside and are taken in by the Evanses with their Auntie Lou and the scary Mr. Evans. The Willows are quite happy there. They like to go to visit their friend Albert Sandwich and his guardians Hephzibah, Mr. Jonny, and the Evans's sister, who no one sees. Everything is well until Carrie makes her worst choice ever.


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