1961[金屋春宵]Come September[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2023-06-16 / 发布时间:2016-06-09


【主演】: 罗克·赫德森/吉娜·劳洛勃丽吉达/桑德拉·狄
【标签】: 喜剧
【语言】:英语 / 意大利语
【上映时间】: 1961-08-09
【片长】: 112
【原名】:Come September
【又名】:不等九月归 / 九月情人
【评分】:豆瓣:7.4 ,IMDB:7.1
【IMDb链接】: tt0054759
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部金屋春宵喜剧片中,罗伯特(洛克·哈德森 Rock Hudson 饰)是一个身家过亿的大富豪,每年九月份,他都会固定的来到位于意大利的别墅中,在这里住着他美丽的情妇丽莎(吉娜·劳洛勃丽吉达 Gina Lollobrigida 饰),他们会在这一个月里形影不离共享甜蜜时光。
  实际上,丽莎早已经无法忍受这段聚少离多遮遮掩掩的关系,可是今年,罗伯特竟然提前来到了意大利,在他的花言巧语之下,丽莎再度相信了他。罗伯特的不期而至让管家摩尔斯(沃尔特·斯勒扎克 Walter Slezak 饰)措手不及,因为他为了赚外快,私底下将别墅出租了出去,这也就意味着,在九月来临之前,罗伯特和丽莎必须被迫同一群吵闹的年轻女学生共处一室。

Wealthy industrialist Robert Talbot arrives early for his annual vacation at his luxurious Italian villa to find three problems lying in wait for him. Firstly, his long-time girlfriend Lisa Fellini has given up waiting for him to pop the question and has decided to marry another man. Secondly, the major domo of his villa, Maurice Clavell, has turned the estate into a posh hotel to make some easy money while the boss isn't around. And, finally, the current guests of the "hotel" are a group of young American girls trying to fend off a gang of oversexed boys, led by Tony, who are 'laying siege' at the outer walls of the villa. Talbot, to his own surprise, finds himself becoming an overprotective chaperone.

难道那时候才有真正的爱情?。一个美国人在意大利的艳遇 | Sexy 60s。适合婚前和女友看,结婚是件恐怖的事,哈哈。好事多磨。爱情的观念。


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