2016[Grindhouse Zombies][BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2022-05-13 / 发布时间:2022-05-13


【标签】: 恐怖
【上映时间】: 2016(美国)
【评分】:豆瓣:0 ,IMDB:
【IMDb链接】: tt5818728
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部Grindhouse Zombies恐怖片中,僵尸实地考察:一群植物学学生的典型大学实地考察变成了来自地狱的实地考察,当他们发现他们不仅滞留,而且还处于一群由一个邪恶的科学家地狱式复活的死去的行人中间把世界变成僵尸世界末日。大屠杀和可怕的可憎恶的恐怖噩梦比比皆是,直到每一个学生消耗完!Zombie Slaughterfest:当地球受到太阳耀斑辐射的冲击时,会出现一种奇怪的病毒,影响全球99%的人口,使他们变成肉食食人族。一群震惊的幸存者试图通过绑扎生存,但随着腐烂的不死生物繁衍生长,每天都会变得更加贪婪,并伴随着消耗生命的不灭需求!“神圣烟,这是僵尸节上的全部!” - 致命的独立驱动器。“Grindin僵尸戈尔最佳!” - 尖叫女王。在GRINDHOUSE ZOMBIE GORE的三个小时之内!

Zombie Field Trip: A typical college field trip for a group of Botany students turns into the field trip from Hell when they discover they are not only stranded, but are in the midst of a host of dead walkers reanimated by an evil scientist hell-bent on turning the world into a Zombie Armageddon. The grisly nightmare of carnage and horrifying abominations abound until every last student is consumed! Zombie Slaughterfest: When the Earth is blasted with radiation from solar flares, a strange virus emerges effecting 99% of the world's population, turning them into flesh eating cannibals. A group of shell shocked survivors try to survive by banding together but grow weary as the rotting undead multiply and grow more ravenous each day with an unquenchable need to consume the living! \"Holy Smokes, this is a full on Zombie Fest!\"- Deadly Indie Drive In. \"Grindin Zombie Gore at its Best!\" - Scream Queens. OVER THREE HOURS OF GRINDHOUSE ZOMBIE GORE!

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