2014[盗墓迷城:木乃伊之日]Day of the Mummy[BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2023-06-16 / 发布时间:2016-09-19


【导演】:Johnny Tabor
【主演】: 丹尼·格洛弗/威廉·麦克纳马拉/Andrea Monier/Nimi/Philip Marlatt/Brandon deSpain/Anthony Fanelli/Natalie De Luna/Robin Steffen/Eric Young/Michael Cortez/Juan Rodriguez/Brandon Hendrix
【标签】: 恐怖
【制片地区/国家】:美国 / 委内瑞拉
【上映时间】: 2014-10-20
【原名】:Day of the Mummy
【评分】:豆瓣:3.3 ,IMDB:2.5
【IMDb链接】: tt3116438
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部盗墓迷城:木乃伊之日恐怖片中,In hope of getting his hands on the famed diamond known as the Codix Stone, Jack Wells joins a group of archaeologists out to explore a newly discovered tomb in Egypt, that of the cursed king Neferu. When the Mummy of the king returns from the dead seeking human victims, Jack is in for the most horrifying experience of his life.

In hope of getting his hands on the famed diamond known as the Codix Stone, Jack Wells joins a group of archaeologists out to explore a newly discovered tomb in Egypt, that of the cursed king Neferu. When the Mummy of the king returns from the dead seeking human victims, Jack is in for the most horrifying experience of his life.


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