
编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2018-05-14 / 发布时间:2018-05-14


【主演】: 罗长姐
【标签】: 纪录片
【片长】: 90
【评分】:豆瓣:6.7 ,IMDB:
【IMDb链接】: tt7514806
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部罗长姐纪录片片中,罗长姐,现年88岁,依然坚持下地种土豆、种玉米等,以维持基本生活。她的二儿子祁才政,在部队执行任务时不幸得了脑膜炎导致失忆并精神失常,生活不能自理,因此罗长姐每天要给他穿衣、洗衣,喂他吃饭。失忆后的祁才政,不认识任何人,只要谁靠近他,就会打谁。在过去的40年里,罗长姐被他打瞎了右眼,打断了右手,但罗长姐对她的儿子无私的照顾,不折不扣、毫无怨言。 现在罗长姐开始意识到自己年事已高,力不从心,便慢慢培养她的孙媳妇来照料祁才政,把她的爱继续传递下去。2013年罗长姐被评为第四届全国道德模。 "Luo Zhangjie, who is 88 years old, still insists on planting potatoes and corns, in order to cover basics. Her son Qi Caizheng got Meningitis when serving in the army, which resulted in memory loss. He can't even handle the basics like putting on clothes. He defecates on the ground everyday, so Luo Zhangjie has to dress him, wash his clothes and quilt, clean and feed him. After the memory loss, Qi Caizheng couldn't recognize anyone, No one can approach him, or they will be hit by him. In the past 40 years, only his mother Luo Zhangjie would get close to him. She was blinded in the right eye, and her right arm was broken by his son"

Luo Zhangjie is 88 years old. Her son Qi Caizheng has lost his memories due to meningitis, and now he can't even cope with the basic tasks in his daily life. Moreover, he hits whoever gets close to him. Luo has been looking after her son, but as she's getting old, she is training her granddaughter-in-law to take care of her son.



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