
编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2020-09-06 / 发布时间:2020-09-06


【导演】:Dustin Loose
【主演】: 艾瓦拉·胡弗茨/Karin Hanczewski/马丁·布拉姆马赫/爱丽丝·德维尔/Benjamin Lillie/尼尔斯-布鲁诺·施密特/Jörg Malchow/Franziska Hartmann/Jörg Witte/Anna Grisebach/塞巴斯蒂安·季默/Finnlay Berger/Leon Ullrich/Peter Trabner/Alessandro Schuster/亨丽埃特·侯泽/Valentin Kleinschmidt/Matthias Schloo/Thomas Schumacher/布鲁诺·阿皮茨/Roland Florstedt/斯特芬·金斯/Anni Salander/Jürgen Haug/Lukas Steltner/Sebastian Nakajew/Anna Schönberg/Felix Küch/Jens Hänisch
【标签】: 剧情/惊悚/犯罪
【评分】:豆瓣:0 ,IMDB:7.2
【IMDb链接】: tt7186686
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部犯罪现场:既视感剧情/惊悚/犯罪片中,九岁的rico失踪了,一群孩童在易北河岸边的塑料袋里发现他的尸体,面对如此残忍的命案,德累斯顿警探henni sieland及karin gorniak振作起来试着破案,媒体报道引起群众恐慌,两人面对破案压力。长官schnable针对命案及警方受到的批评,表现的异常情绪化,并公开表示不满个资法对警方执法的限制。sieland及gorniak尽可能沉着地办案,无奈找不到线索,直到一桶匿名电话指出rico的游泳教练micha siebert涉嫌重大。rico的父亲知道了之后,在盛怒之下攻击siebert,又有一名男孩身处险境,接二连三的事件让两名警探疲于奔命。

Midsummer in Dresden. Nine-year-old Rico Krüger disappears without a trace while playing in the park. The next day, young people find a bag with the body of the child on the banks of the Elbe. The autopsy shows that the boy drowned - but not in the Elbe, but probably in a bathtub; He was also sexually abused. The Dresden investigators Henni Sieland (Alwara Höfels) and Karin Gorniak (Karin Hanczewski) suspect the concealment act of a pedophile offender. They are under great pressure - politicians, the media and the public demand rapid investigation results. Despite hundreds of indications from the population there is no concrete trace and the DNA of the offender, which could be secured on the bag, may not be evaluated due to legal provisions to determine phenotypic characteristics of the offender. Kommissariatsleiter Schnabel (Martin Brambach) quarrels with data protection regulations and staff shortages and delivers verbal skirmishes with media representatives. He is personally ...


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