
编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2022-12-27 / 发布时间:2022-12-27


【导演】:Lonnie Henderson
【主演】: Gayla Johnson/Logan Hunt/Christopher Crabb/Javicia Leslie/Chaim Dunbar/Samantha Rund/Shay Dixon
【标签】: 奇幻
【上映时间】: 2017-05-05(美国)
【评分】:豆瓣:0 ,IMDB:
【IMDb链接】: tt6451340
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net



QUEEN DIVINITY struggles to speak of how she survived a brutal rape by her once lover, LUCIFER, whom returned to Heaven to reclaim the throne. She explains, \"Before Earth and even to this day, I rule the Kingdom of Neva~eh. It's the highest realm of Heaven, a place of infinite beauty, mystical magic and balance. It's the home of my people, the Black Angels.\" In Neva~eh, Queen Divinity carefully nurtures her son, PRINCE WARRIUS through his childhood of being bullied. She gives him the Golden Magic Box of their Elder's Powers to protect him. As her two sons mature she watches her husband, KING SABTAH favor PRINCE RAMUS, offering him the throne. A seed of bitter jealousy is planted in Prince Warrius. One heavenly night Queen Divinity happens to discover Prince Warrius making love to his brother's soon to be wife, PRINCESS OMNI. The next morning, a distressed Princess Omni historically cries, \"Queen Divinity something is wrong with Prince Warrius, I think Prince Ramus is in great danger!\" Racing to Prince Ramus' Chamber, Queen Divinity witnesses Prince Warrius stab and kill his father, King Sabtah. It's apparent to her, \"something is wrong with Prince Warrius.\" While grieving her husband's death, Queen Divinity must imprison her beloved son. She is forced to sign the Declaration of Banishment, condemning Prince Warrius to the Dark Underlands of Urt; Humans call this place Earth. While Prince Warrius awaits Banishment his wings are cut off, as all angels are banished wingless and powerless from Heaven to Earth. During the Banishment Ceremony Prince Warrius asks, \"Who is my real father?\" The COUNCIL OF COUSINS is in an uproar of confusion by this question, forcing Queen Divinity to disclose the horrific rape, which explains Lucifer is Prince Warrius' true father. During the council's chaotic outrage, Lucifer reveals himself. With glowing green eyes, he morphs from Warrius' possessed body. The Cousins of Council are flabbergasted by Lucifer's return to Heaven. Lucifer admits to raping Princess Omni (to plant his seed) and killing King Sabtah to conquer Neva~eh. Queen Divinity historically vengeful, torches Lucifer's crotch. Pressured by the council to do something, Queen Divinity orders the banishment of her son, Prince Warrius to rid Neva~eh of Lucifer's presence. Alone, she morns the loss of her son realizing Lucifer will return if she doesn't destroy him. Queen Divinity follows them to Earth and witnesses Lucifer's destruction of God's world and its humans. Queen Divinity sits shackled as she confesses.


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