1992[Legend of the Roller Blade Seven][BT下载/迅雷下载]

编辑:本站 / 更新时间:2021-05-06 / 发布时间:2021-05-06


【导演】:Donald G. Jackson
【主演】: 斯科特·肖/弗兰克·史泰龙/凯伦·布莱克/唐·司徒奥德
【标签】: 动作/科幻
【上映时间】: 1992
【片长】: 90
【评分】:豆瓣:0 ,IMDB:2.4
【IMDb链接】: tt0104702
【编辑整理】: [片吧网]www.pianbar.net


在这部Legend of the Roller Blade Seven动作/科幻片中,

In a post-apocalyptic world where rollerblading is the chief means of travel, the evil Pharoah sends his minions outside the Wheel Zone to abduct a psychic. The psychic has been trained in the way of the samurai, but has shunned her training to become a Passive. Once abducted, her brother joins forces with others to try and rescue her, but they face many challenges from the Dark Side.

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