• Alien Love

    [2023]Alien Love[豆瓣0分]

    /科幻/英语/Nathan Hill/Simon Salamon/Demz Lato/Robert Rafik Awad/Nathan Hill

    2024-02-15 22
  • 乱码城市


    Random Access/科幻/短片/贵州方言 / 汉语普通话/贺子珂/鸿雁/贺宁


    2024-02-17 29
  • Scaranna


    /科幻/英语/Ian Paterson/

    2024-02-06 16
  • Nocturnus


    /科幻/悬疑/短片/英语/Harm Dens/梅尔特·范·科耶里/扬·贝弗特/Bien de Moor/Emmanuelle Gilles-Rousseau

    In the darkness of the polar night, a scientist tries to shed light on a remarkable phenomenon: an Arctic village in hibernation. When she discovers that the sleepers are...

    2024-02-15 22
  • A Million Days

    [2023]A Million Days[豆瓣0分]

    /科幻/英语/Mitch Jenkins/西蒙·梅雷尔斯/赫敏·科菲尔德/凯米·博·雅各布/达雷尔·席尔瓦/Raimund Berens/Marion Delachet/Péter Horváth/Nina Mahdavi/特雷弗·迪昂·尼古拉斯/Alessandra Nisco/Nobuaki Urata

    Over the course of one night, an astronaut must decide between pursuing his life's work or sabotaging it for a greater cause.

    2024-02-03 33
  • 基本轨道


    /科幻/惊悚/西班牙语/Gustavo Cosenza/Fernando Bolaños/诺埃莉亚·坎波/Melvin Jimenez

    Manuel got left behind during the evacuation of the planet, he will have to survive an automated last resort mission to save the Earth.

    2024-02-14 48
  • 曼达洛人和古古


    曼达洛人和格洛古 / 曼达洛人与古古 / 曼达洛人与尤达宝宝/科幻/英语/乔恩·费儒/佩德罗·帕斯卡

    曼达洛人系列的主创乔恩·费儒(Jon Favreau)将会执导一部星球大战系列电影,名为《曼达洛人和格洛古》(The Mandalorian & Grogu),将于下半年开拍。

    2024-01-31 30
  • 2025 世界末日

    [2022]2025 世界末日[豆瓣0分]

    怪兽的多重宇宙/科幻/英语/Michael Su/

    A militant alien race launches an attack on Earth using gigantic creatures and geological disasters all based on those found on The Asylum's Movie Channel signal which re...

    2024-02-09 61
  • Flakka 僵尸药物

    [2023]Flakka 僵尸药物[豆瓣0分]

    药物Z/科幻/惊悚/英语/Dick Smartwell/Jess Sylvia/Brenna Daly/Mikey Anthony O'Brien


    2024-01-25 43
  • 56分钟


    /科幻/悬疑/惊悚/犯罪/泰米尔语 / 卡纳达语 / 泰卢固语/Rajesh Anandaleela/Ramesh Bhat/Manjunath Hegde/Veena Ponnappa/普丽亚玛尼


    2024-02-17 33
  • 太空汪汪队


    太空狗崽/科幻/家庭/冒险/英语/Jason Murphy/

    Two young children and their parents help a trio of aliens transformed as friendly dogs to escape the clutches of a local UFO hunter as they repair their spaceship.

    2024-02-04 37
  • _Hello


    /科幻/动画/短片/英语/Nicolas Capitaine/Samuel Klughertz/Jay Britton/西蒙·海考克/安柏·李·康娜丝/Taruq Faheed

    In this animated sci-fi thriller, Avi, a young astronaut, tends to a spaceship in the outer depths of space when he intercepts an ancient space probe and tries to reactiv...

    2024-02-16 17
  • Project Darwin

    [2024]Project Darwin[豆瓣0分]


    In the alternative present, the world has followed the path of genetics rather than technology. Genetic "improvements" promise universal equality of opportunity...

    2024-02-03 22
  • 镜子 - 突破未来

    [2011]镜子 - 突破未来[豆瓣0分]

    科济列夫镜实验——纪录片/科幻/纪录片/英语 / 俄罗斯语/Vitalij Pravdivcev/

    Is it possible to achieve altered states of consciousness by means of mirrors and travel in time? The film shows the results of Russian researchers in the field experimen...

    2024-02-07 39
  • Afflicted Dawn Redemption

    [2017]Afflicted Dawn Redemption[豆瓣0分]

    /科幻/英语/Joe Robertson/Cody Cheyenne Napier/Joshua Powers

    2024-02-12 24
  • Untitled  Arthur Harari Sci-Fi Film

    [2025]Untitled Arthur Harari Sci-Fi Fil[豆瓣0分]


    Arthur Harari has confirmed that his next film will be a sci-fi film with Léa Seydoux.

    2024-02-15 18
  • 女仆机器人


    机械女仆 / 机器人女仆/科幻/惊悚/恐怖/英语/里奇·马勒瑞/费思·韦斯特/乔斯·亚当·阿尔瓦雷斯/凯莉·迈克尔/安东尼·赖因维尔/克里斯·斯皮内利/伊丽莎白·张/昆汀·博耶

    为了从最近的分手中恢复过来,哈里森联系了神秘的女仆机器人机构,并遇到了 Mako,一个能满足他所有愿望的美丽机器人。然而,Mako却开始从她过去的记忆中学习人类的情感,导致她逐渐...

    2024-01-30 113
  • 曝光36小时


    /科幻/惊悚/英语/Mackenzie G. Mauro/Charles Ouda/Jennifer Leigh


    2024-01-12 34
  • 窃藏自己


    Stealing One’s Own Corpse (An Alternative Set of Footholds for an Ascent into the Dark)/科幻/短片/西班牙语/Julieta Aranda/


    2024-02-03 37
  • 透明人


    透明人間 / Invisible Man/科幻/惊悚/恐怖/韩语/Kim Gi-chung/

    2023-11-08 46
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