• Americano


    /剧情/短片/英语/Tim Viola/Adam Budron/里克·施耐德/Melody Vargas

    2022-05-30 55
  • 俩妈


    两个妈妈 / 双数妈妈///Andy Chukwu/Chiwetalu Agu/Osita Iheme/Ify Dollars

    2022-04-17 738
  • Dorsal


    /剧情/短片/英语/Aidan Shipley/Christine Horne/Peyton Kennedy/Jonathan Goad

    2022-04-07 33
  • 狼之后



    A storybook video that revisits the classic tale of Little Red Riding Hood years after Red's terrifying ordeal with the Big Bad Wolf. Venturing into an enchanted forest to meet her lover, Red again finds herself in harm's way when the unexpected befalls her.
      —Paul Whittington

    2022-04-07 60
  • 人生轨道


    The Line/短片/英语/Ricardo Laganaro/Ricardo Laganaro

    Pedro and Rosa, two miniature dolls who are perfect for each other, find themselves reluctant to break boundaries to overcome limitations and live out their love story.

    2022-04-05 55
  • Scelerophobia


    /恐怖/短片/英语/Simon Bubach/Holden McNeil/Björn Andersson/Hampus Fredriksson/Nina Haraldsson/Minna Westlund

    2022-01-30 45
  • 口语


    /犯罪/英语/伊兰·穆勒姆 Ilan Muallem/贾泉科尔 Ja'Quan Cole/帕特里卡·达博 Patrika Darbo/佩吉·埃特拉 Peggy Etra/特洛伊埃文斯 Troy Evans/乔尔·弗林 Joel Flynn/兰斯·吉迪恩 Lance Gideon/以赛亚·贾雷尔 Isaiah Jarel/萝拉莉莲 Lolali Ledlum/杰森·伦敦/科琳麦克唐纳 Colleen McDonnell

    Race, perception and consequence become the center point of three lives, as Judge Matthews realizes that he can no longer overlook his actions from the bench.@www.sozu8.com

    2022-01-17 60
  • 漩涡:主权的曙光


    /科幻/法语/米歇尔·卢梭 Michel Rousseau/米歇尔·卢梭 Michel Rousseau

    In 2047 rebels created an encrypted communication network. Among them, Serena, a teenager secretly develops glasses to detect vortexes. What will this opening to the unknown reveal?@www.28wed.com

    2021-10-16 110
  • 磨坊


    /惊悚/犯罪/阿拉伯/拉米·科迪赫 Rami Kodeih/拉米·科迪赫 Rami Kodeih/卡迈勒·达赫 Kamal Daher/哈桑·道夫曼 Hassan Doughman/哈比卜·卡希尔 Habib Kahil/丽达·查拉夫 Lida Charaf/奥恩奥恩 Aoun Aoun/以色列士兵 Israeli Soldier

    Two close cousins go to spend one day in the nature near an abandoned mill in their native South Lebanon. During their trip, their "rapport de force" slowly unfolds.@www.sozu8.com

    2021-10-15 90
  • Shush


    //英语/Michael Ray Fox/

    2021-09-03 16
  • 被遗忘的英雄


    /纪录片/战争/英语/Jim Huggins/

    2021-06-23 60
  • Lady in the Park (2016)

    [2016]Lady in the Park (2016)[IMDB9.8分]

    /剧情/短片/英语/Serena Chloe Gardner/Peter Warnock/Abigail Parmenter

    2021-05-12 70
  • 第十届会议



    A man who is willing to risk anything and everything in the pursuit of achieving a goal that is ultimately empty.

    2021-04-19 49
  • 危险的网络暴力—受害者不能沉默地忍受



    The Perils of Cyberbullying is a documentary and first-ever project by the White Wings Films that takes a step ahead to highlight the growing crimes in the virtual world.

    2021-04-18 62
  • 亲爱的你


    /剧情/短片/英语/凯瑟琳·普雷斯科特/本·温切尔/Devin Marcus Miller/Keon Motakhaveri/Kam Holloway

    A young boy goes through the motions of his daily life while reminiscing about a past love.

    2021-03-18 68
  • Rewind


    /剧情/短片/英语/Lara Azzopardi/Adam Butcher

    2021-02-27 42
  • Pride Fighter

    [2016]Pride Fighter[IMDB9.8分]

    /剧情/短片/运动/英语/Danny Ryan/Nelson A. Ballester/Keenan Jolliff/Mitchell Robbins/David Siciliano/Adrain Washington

      When a young Mixed Martial Arts fighter comes out as gay, he is rejected by his masculine fighting partners right before his first big fight.

    2021-02-20 26
  • Tori's Isolation

    [2015]Tori's Isolation[IMDB9.8分]

    /剧情/悬疑/惊悚/短片/战争//穆斯塔法·克什瓦里/Christina Church/David Santana/James Sirois/Leeza Udovenko/Daniel Kofi Wealthyland/J. Galen Wilson

    Tori is a naïve Canadian teenager struggling to find meaning in her life; an online recruiter brainwashes her to join a terrorist group.

    2021-02-17 42
  • 魔鬼之城




    2021-01-16 68
  • La Belle Dame Sans Merci

    [2011]La Belle Dame Sans Merci[IMDB9.8分]


    John struggles to build a future with his pregnant wife Mary, but the recession is hitting them hard. When a beautiful stranger crosses his path John follows her into the forest on a whim, seeking temporary respite from responsibilities, but he chooses a bad day to follow his heart.
      —P M Buchan

    2020-12-20 44
  • 东山再起


    /纪录片/音乐/英语/Norry Niven/Justin Furstenfeld

    "A riveting, emotionally charged rock doc like none before it. This decade long journal follows the band and phoenix-like implosion and spiritual immersion of their front-man, who was born with a genius like gift to create hit music."


    2020-10-22 61
  • 统计学之歌



    Lil Timmy Tim and his classmates perform a wild rap about statistics class.

    2020-09-28 64
  • Mom and Dad

    [2020]Mom and Dad[IMDB9.8分]

    /剧情/恐怖/短片/匈牙利语/Gergö Elekes/József Gallai/Vivien Molnár/Regina Fonyó/Anita Vitai

    In a post WW2 rural community, two sisters encounter strange events linked to their parents

    2020-09-27 55
  • 小丑


    小丑起源电影:罗密欧 / Romeo / Joker Origin Movie/剧情/惊悚/犯罪/英语/托德·菲利普斯/华金·菲尼克斯/罗伯特·德尼罗/马克·马龙/莎姬·贝兹/谢伊·惠格姆/弗兰西丝·康罗伊/布莱恩·考伦/布莱恩·泰里·亨利/布莱特·卡伦/道格拉斯·霍奇斯/格伦·弗莱舍尔/比尔·坎普/乔什·帕斯/但丁·佩雷拉-奥尔森/玛丽·凯特·马拉特/迈克尔·本茨/莎珑·华盛顿/桑德拉·詹姆斯/托尼·赫德/曼德拉·贝拉米/乔·奥克曼/卡尔·伦德施泰特/米克·奥罗克/大卫·吉布森/伊万·罗萨多/安妮·比萨比亚/布莱斯·科里根/乔恩·道格拉斯·雷尼/艾恩斯利·丹恩/杰森·约翰·奇卡莱塞

    湿冷无望的哥谭市,卑微的亚瑟·弗兰克(华金·菲尼克斯 Joaquin Phoenix 饰)依靠扮演小丑赚取营生。与之相依为命的母亲患有精神疾病,而亚瑟深记母亲的教诲,无论遭受怎样的挫折都笑对人生,却因此让自己背负着莫大的压力,濒临崩溃。他梦想成为一名脱口秀演员,怎奈生活一次次将失望狠狠地砸在他的头上。不仅如此,他因意外丢掉了工作,偶然瞥见母亲的秘密,又使他心中燃起对那个与之地位悬殊却从未谋面的父亲的殷切渴望。命运习惯了事与...


    2019-09-01 74265
  • 另一半


    The Other Half/剧情/家庭/僧伽罗语/拉里·哈奈亚基/Jackson Anthony/Kaushalaya Fernando/Hemasiri Liyanage/潘西卢·维克拉马拉特纳/Pankaja Wickramarathna/Thilakshini Ratnayake/Priyantha Sirikumara


    2019-06-10 130
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