• Grace and Grit

    [2020]Grace and Grit[豆瓣0分]


    Treya and Ken Wilber's story of courage, transcendence, and eternal love as chronicled in the globally acclaimed book, Grace and Grit.


    2019-04-02 28
  • World


    Ashkhar//亚美尼亚语 / 俄语/Christine Haroutounian/

    It’s been two years since Claudette moved to a remote village in Armenia to take care of her bedridden mother. At this point, both facing and avoidin...

    Call Of Duty - World At War (2008) Repack от .6.10 GB
    [Hotateya] End of World-side B hotateya 2008 su.0.0 GB

    2021-09-13 15
  • 哆啦A梦:伴我同行2


    与我同行的哆啦A梦2 / 机器猫:伴我同行2 / 小叮当:伴我同行2 / Stand by Me Doraemon 2 / Doraemon 3D: Stand by Me 2/剧情/动画/日语/八木龙一/山崎贵/水田山葵/大原惠美/嘉数由美/木村昴/关智一/妻夫木聪/宫本信子/三石琴乃/松本保典/笨蛋节奏/羽鸟慎一

    某天,大雄(大原惠美 配音)偶然发现了童年时奶奶为自己缝制的玩偶熊,于是央求哆啦A梦(水田山葵 配音)去往过去看望已不再人世的奶奶(宫本信子 配音),大雄...

    [email protected]qddq.com 13...13.99GB
    [email protected]qddq.com 13...13.16GB

    2020-01-04 528
  • 逆时杀手


    Borrowed Time/剧情/动作/英语 / 法语/Alan Delabie/路易·曼迪勒/Michel Qissi/阿菲·班·巴德拉/Abdel Qissi/卡特里娜 马科尔/罗恩·斯穆安伯格/西尔维奥·西马克/Alan Delabie/奥利弗·邦泽/Merrick McCartha/Petr Zizka/Maïlyse Hermans/Gilles Nuytens/Tessa Kassa/Rafael Festa/Patrick Esmeijer/Saskia Serru/Richard Sumbu/Gael Ledoux/Jean-Pierre Demarke

    Leaving prison and suffering a Brain tumor Franck Denard( Alan Delabie) wants to make peace with himself and becomes a vigilante to free the town from...

    2021-08-15 12
  • 三个呆瓜一具尸


    三品脱和一个拉比 / 谁杀了她?/悬疑/奇幻/英语/Richard J. Perry/阿曼达·阿宾顿/迈克尔·马罗尼/Jordan Stephens/Hannaj Bang Bendz


    2021-05-05 28
  • One Image, Two Acts

    [2020]One Image, Two Acts[豆瓣0分]

    Yek tasveer, do bardasht//英语 / 波斯语/Sanaz Sohrabi/

    2021-06-10 10
  • Kharchang


    Crab/动画/短片//SHIVA SADEGH ASADI/

    A shy, withdrawn boy has his heart on being in the school theatre group, but the only role offered to him is that of a crab.

    2021-07-29 10
  • Cinephilia Now: Part 1: Secrets Within Walls

    [2020]Cinephilia Now: Part 1: Secrets Wi[豆瓣0分]

    Eiga ai no genzai: Part 1: Kabe no mukode//日语/Sasaki Yusuke/

    2021-12-07 11
  • Haboob


    /动画/短片//MAHSA SAMANI/

    A man and his daughter are used to living in harmony and peace with nature, but some disruptions change their lovely little life.

    2021-07-29 13
  • 哈姆雷特/霍拉旭


    /剧情/英语/Paul Warner/Andrew Burdette/迪牟诺罗凯茨/Anna Maria Cianciulli

    《哈姆雷特/霍拉旭》(暂译)开始于哈姆雷特(Andrew Burdette饰)在摄影棚中的死亡。在莎士比亚最著名戏剧的主人公意识尚存的最后时刻,摄制开始,他看到自己的...


    2021-09-24 17
  • Der Schornsteinsegler

    [2020]Der Schornsteinsegler[豆瓣0分]

    The Chimney Swift/动画/短片//FRÉDÉRIC SCHULD/

    A British chimney sweeper describes his everyday routine of forcing young kids to become workers. While we observe a kid cleaning a chimney, the maste...

    2021-05-20 13
  • 苏乞儿之武功盖世




    2021-04-11 14
  • What Will Future Humans Look Like?

    [2020]What Will Future Humans Look Like?[豆瓣0分]

    /动画/短片//CASEY RAYMOND/

    A short humorous account of the future physical evolution of human beings.

    2021-05-25 11
  • If You Only Knew

    [2020]If You Only Knew[豆瓣0分]

    Якби ви тільки знали//希伯来语/Einat Gaulan/

    Ellie has a baby in her belly. Joyful and excited, she goes to the mall to have a routine check-up, in which she discovers there is no heartbeat. Shoc...

    2021-09-09 10
  • Ku Je Tani?

    [2020]Ku Je Tani?[豆瓣0分]

    Where Are You Now?/动画/短片/匈牙利语/Eneos Çarka/

    A father sends well-wishing voice messages to his filmmaker son confined in self-isolation far away from home during the Covid-19 pandemic.

    2021-06-03 11
  • 20-11-7.MP4


    //乌克兰语/Alina Panasenko/

    For the first time in several years, a father and his son decided to have dinner together. Will they be able to find common ground?

    2021-06-06 11
  • Printsessa Y Bandit

    [2020]Printsessa Y Bandit[豆瓣0分]

    The Princess And The Bandit/短片//MIKHAIL ALDASHIN/MARIYA SOSNINA/

    Once the princess fell in love with a bandit …

    2021-12-04 12
  • My Brother Nadali

    [2020]My Brother Nadali[豆瓣0分]

    ///Ali Tak Rousta/

    The documentary is about the family of a missing martyr whose brother is trying to identify and exhume one of the graves with similar characteristics.

    2021-06-08 11
  • Une Bien Belle Après-Midi

    [2020]Une Bien Belle Après-Midi[豆瓣0分]

    A Beautiful Afternoon/动画/短片//CAMILLE SALLAN/

    A family is about to spend the afternoon on the beach to watch the fireworks of August 15th. But everything gets complicated when Bruno goes to grab t...

    2021-07-21 11
  • 我是伊朗人


    ///Alireza Kavianrad/

    A child is born in Iran. It’s a life journey with him in different places to learn more about the Iranian culture and music.

    2021-05-28 11
  • 犯罪分子


    The Criminals/剧情/短片//塞尔哈特·卡拉斯兰/

    Late at night in a small Turkish town, a young couple tries to find a hotel room to spend the night together. They are rejected from all hotels for no...

    2021-08-18 15
  • This Is Only Getting Worse

    [2020]This Is Only Getting Worse[豆瓣0分]


    Jerusalem is divided by a mysterious crack, pulling any metal object around it. Revital, a woman in advanced pregnancy, is trying to get to the crack ...

    2021-06-05 15
  • 珍珠


    Ms. Pearl/剧情/喜剧/粤语/李云波/胡向真


    2021-02-10 17
  • Un Caillou Dans La Chaussure

    [2020]Un Caillou Dans La Chaussure[豆瓣0分]

    A Stone In The Shoe/动画/短片//ERIC MONTCHAUD/

    A pupil turns up to his new class for the first time. This pupil however is different from the others, he’s a frog in a class of rabbits.

    2021-06-21 11
  • Coffin



    A man comes home and wants to go to bed. A bunch of noisy roommates. A crowded city in southern China.

    2021-05-23 12
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